Electric Vehicle Rebate Program

From 2015 to 2016 SCRAP-IT administered a $3,000 rebate for scrap to new or used electric vehicle transactions. During this period, electric vehicles were still relatively new to the marketplace and transactional volumes were low, easy to predict and well within the funding limits provided.

During 2016 a new funding agreement was negotiated with a significant increase in the rebate to $6,000 for new and $3,000 for used transactions commencing in 2018. This combined with the BC Provincial Government’s announcement of the CEVforBC program which was stackable with the SCRAP-IT. Predicting that 2017 would be the beginning of a significantly different level of this program, we took steps to put a new system in place to help manage volume, as required in our funding agreement.

Known internally as the Dealer Allocation Program, it was designed to meet a couple of key funding agreement criteria, first, the annual limit on the number of transactions the Society could process (funding limit which would always be less than demand) and second, to meet the needs of our partner dealers province wide as we converted to the program over from the traditional model where there were no annual limits on the amount of funding available.

A web-based, secure, Dealer Portal was designed to function like an EV inventory management system for the dealerships. Participating dealerships can login and manage their own list of vehicles for which they had allocations. Those vehicles were automatically added to our website, for customers to find

The Society successfully administered over $49 million dollars in rebates through this program.

Program Reach: Province-wide, British Columbia

This program ended in 2021.